Toy run you bless thousands of people throughout the country every year. Thanks to the bikers and the team that work so hard to bring smiles on children that may not have had a new toy for Christmas. God bless you all.
Thank you Debonairs , Spar and Pep Stores for your contribution toward the meals
It’s a crime for a child to go away hungry. They stand in long queues just for a plate of food.
We have done so many outreaches last year and about 5 during Christmas. When we get to heaven there will hundreds of people that will come to say thank you to both of you for the groceries, blankets, school books, meals etc. we were able to cart in the h Hyundai gave them. This was made possible through your amazing gift
They are called volunteers they come so willing to help but they every one of them are unemployed and live in such poor conditions. They leave with so much joy taking with them some items. Our way of saying thank you for volunteering.
“Never allow yourself to be one of those people, when they are old say how the missed their chances” said Claire Ortega